WordPress Power

We love WordPress. It isn’t for every client. But when it’s right, it’s right as rain.

Flexible design:
We begin with themes that are built for modification, and which allow us to create the design and layout we’re looking for quickly and easily. We’ll work with you to determine the look and structure that will serve your needs and reflect your style. Then we’ll modify a theme to meet the resultant design. We don’t believe in shoe-horning you into a pre-designed template.

Always up-to-date & works everywhere:
When you go with WordPress, the code is updated regularly. You won’t find yourself with a website that no longer works after a few years. And if you decide to switch themes at any point down the road, WordPress allows you to do that with the click of a button. And yes, finally, a website that works on both PC and Mac, in any browser you care to mention!

Mobile devices:
We use responsive themes, which means they display appropriately to all mobile devices.

Plugins do the heavy lifting:
WordPress provides the basic building block & foundation for your marvelous new website. But it’s the plugins, those little gems of goodness, that give your website its galleries, its glory, its power. We’ll set you up with some of our favorites right off the bat. Plugins that will allow you to cross-post with Facebook, have pop-up windows for your images, contain your Google Analytics, keep your site backed up, and allow you to customize and play to your heart’s content.

WordPress is around for the long haul:
WordPress is used on 25% of all websites; some of the top websites using WordPress include BBC America, The New Yorker, and Variety. Some of our recent favorites are Freehand Futurist, The Many Faces of Alan Rickman, and Theatre First. Here’s a fresh list of 100+ top brands that use WordPress.