Sinai Memorial Chapel

About Us

Boards of Directors

Board members of Sinai Memorial Chapel are nominated based on demonstrated leadership in temples, synagogues, and community organizations. They are recognized as exemplifying the values of the chevra kadisha: modesty, respect, dignity, empathy, and community. Sinai board members serve without compensation. In fact, board members pay dues to defray the costs of board and committee meetings, the Annual Meeting, and the annual Tsayin Adar event. This derives from the sentiment that no one in the leadership of a chevra kadisha should ever be even perceived as being materially enriched by participation in the holy society.

Sinai Memorial Chapel Board of Directors


Norman Plotkin, D.D.S.

Michael Rubenstein, Esq.
First Vice President

Susan Morris
Second Vice President

John Verber, Esq.

David Nissim

Samuel J. Salkin
Executive Director


Stephen C. Becker
Tiela Chalmers
Gary Freeman
Bonnie Guttman
Fred L. Karren
Emil Knopf
Mark Pomotov

Grace A. Rosenberg
Joyce Share
Steven Sloan, M.D.
Paul Steiner
Peter Williams
Alan P. Zimmerman

Past Presidents

William S. Breall, M.D.
Roberta Cohn
Milton Jacobs

Steven R. Lowenthal
Peter A. Samuels
Stuart Seiler

Honorary Directors

Frances Green
Burton J. Greenberg, D.D.S.
A. Arthur Hirschhorn
Matook R. Nissim


Executive Director Emeritus

Gene B. Kaufman

Gan Shalom Cemetery Board of Directors

Gan Shalom Cemetery—Beit Olam of Contra Costa, Inc., is the owner of the cemetery and is incorporated as a religious, non-profit organization. It has its own board of directors, separate from Sinai Memorial Chapel’s, to oversee governance and policy. The board is made up of representatives of Sinai and Gan Shalom, Inc., the entity that provided the initial impetus for the creation of the cemetery. The members of the board of directors are volunteers who serve without compensation.

Roberta Cohn, President               
David N. Nissim, Vice President and Treasurer     
Frank Winer, Secretary
Efi Lubliner  
Shalom Eliahu         
Stuart Seiler 
Steven R. Lowenthal, Esq.