Sinai Memorial Chapel

Making Arrangements

How Sinai Will Help

How Sinai Will HelpA funeral or memorial service is a time-honored way to celebrate a life, share memories, express grief, and be comforted by family, friends, and the community.

At Sinai, our goal is to help you plan a service that will be meaningful to you. Funeral directors at Sinai can explain the range of Jewish funeral traditions, but it is ultimately up to you to decide how you want to honor your loved one.

What Sinai Can Help You Do

From the moment you call us, Sinai’s funeral directors and staff will work with you to make this difficult process as simple as possible. We will work with you to:

A Note on the Timing of Jewish Funerals

While Jewish tradition requires that burial take place as soon as practical following death, we understand that modern life doesn’t always allow for this—family members from outside the area may need to travel to attend the funeral, your rabbi or the person you want to lead the service may not be available, and participating cemeteries may have limitations that impact scheduling. We coordinate the entire process with clergy, the cemetery, public officials, and the chevra kadisha, and will strive to meet your needs.