Sinai Memorial Chapel

Planning Ahead: Tools and Resources

End-of-Life Decisions: The Five Wishes

Thinking about one’s end of life can also involve making decisions about your health and future medical treatment. Doing this is another way to ensure your personal wishes are honored and that your loved ones do not need to make difficult decisions at a time of great stress.

Many people use a framework for end-of-life decisions called Five Wishes—which is a way to create a living will. This program, sponsored by a nonprofit organization called Aging with Dignity, lets your family and doctors know:

These “five wishes” meet the legal requirements for an advance directive in the State of California.

Sinai and Aging with Dignity have created a workbook to help you implement the Five Wishes as part of your personal advance planning. You can request that a copy be sent to you by calling Sinai at (415) 921-3636.