Sinai Memorial Chapel

When Death Occurs

What to Do First

Sinai Memorial ChapelWhen a loved one dies, we encourage you to call us at Sinai as soon as possible and practical. We are available 24 hours a day to guide and support you and your family throughout the entire process. Call us at (877) 895-0359.

The first thing we’ll do will be to speak with you in person or on the phone to discuss your situation. Based on your preliminary preferences and any plans that your loved one made, we will come up with a funeral plan that meets your needs. We will then bring your loved one to Sinai and begin the process of preparing the body according to Jewish tradition.

Transporting Your Loved One

If death occurs out-of-town or out-of-state, we’ll make the necessary arrangements to transport the deceased to Sinai and prepare it for burial or cremation.

If the person who has died must be transported from the Bay Area to another community, we can handle those arrangements.

Some Jews wish to be buried in Israel, and we are very experienced in making these arrangements. If that is what you wish, we can immediately begin the process of ensuring that happens.

Notifying Authorities

When a person dies, the proper authorities must be notified. The authorities you’ll need to contact will depend on where the person died.

Meeting with a Sinai Funeral Director

You and your family will need to make many decisions regarding how you want to honor the death of your loved one. This takes place at a meeting known as an “arrangement conference,” which can be held at Sinai or, if you prefer, in your home. The conference should be scheduled in a timely and convenient manner—which can be after someone dies or when death is imminent.

During the arrangement conference, one of our funeral counselors will explain your options and do everything possible to honor your wishes.

The conference must include the person who has the authority to make decisions regarding funeral and burial/cremation arrangements. This person is usually the next of kin, such as a spouse, adult child, or parent.

To schedule an arrangement conference, please call Sinai at (415) 921-3636.

For information on how to prepare for the arrangement conference, click here.