About Us
Locations/Contact Info
Sinai Memorial Chapel has locations in three Bay Area communities:
San Francisco (FD262)
1501 Divisadero Street
(415) 921-3636
Samuel J. Salkin, Executive Director
ssalkin@sinaichapel.org (FDR3371)
Robert T. Perez, Managing Funeral Director
rperez@sinaichapel.org (FDR1662)

Our San Francisco location is Sinai Memorial Chapel’s home office and primary facility, where it houses two chapel rooms for funeral and memorial services. This location also provides both advanced and immediate planning for funerals as well as grief counseling.
Lafayette (FD1523)
3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
(925) 962-3636
Jay A. Lewis, Managing Funeral Director (FDR3301)

Our Lafayette location provides both advanced and immediate planning for funerals, grief counseling, and a room for the performance of chevra kadisha rituals.
Redwood City (FD1830)
777 Woodside Road, Suite C
(650) 369-3636
Robert L. Malinow, Managing Funeral Director (FDR894)

Our Redwood City location provides both advanced and immediate planning for funerals as well as grief counseling.
Sinai Memorial Chapel also oversees two Jewish cemeteries.