Sinai Memorial Chapel

Mourner Support: Tools and Resources

What Is Grief?

Grief is an experience that is universal yet completely unique for every human being. At times you may feel sad, anxious, angry, guilty, resentful, numb, or even relieved. You may also feel alone, helpless, and paralyzed, or like you’re on an emotional roller coaster. All of these feelings, and many more, are normal and common.

The impact of a loss can affect your life in subtle yet profound ways that are not always visible to others. In addition to your pain, you may now have to face new tasks and responsibilities, and the year ahead is full of first-time experiences without the deceased. Coping with all these feelings and changes on a day-to-day basis can be overwhelming.

What Can One Do About These Feelings of Grief?

Although time itself can be a valuable healer, there are steps you can take to ease your way:

If we can be of support to you in taking these meaningful steps, please call us at (415) 921-3636.