Sinai Memorial Chapel

Tools and Resources

Etiquette Guidance for Family and Friends

Friends and family of the deceased sometimes ask us about matters of etiquette regarding funerals, burials, visits to the family in mourning, etc. As a result, here are some guidelines—many based on Jewish tradition.

In general, we encourage people to find ways to be with and support the grieving family, since it is important that they be surrounded by the comfort of family and friends. In fact, Jewish tradition considers attendance at the funeral and burial to be a religious obligation.

This starts with focusing on the needs of the bereaved.

Etiquette associated with the funeral:

Etiquette associated with the burial:

Etiquette associated with shiva:

After the burial, according to Jewish custom, the family traditionally mourns their loss at their home for seven days, although shiva is sometimes observed for shorter periods. Shiva can occur at the home of the deceased or in another home chosen by the family.