Sinai Memorial Chapel

Making Arrangements

Jewish Traditions Regarding Death

For many centuries, Jews have been guided by traditions regarding death—including rituals for caring for the body, the funeral service, and burial—that are based on the value of k’vod hamet (honoring the deceased).

Traditions of Chevra Kadisha

Sinai Memorial Chapel was founded as a chevra kadisha, a “holy burial society” that performs several traditional rituals associated with preparing the body for burial:

Aron (the casket): Caskets for deceased Jews are traditionally made of wood. This allows the body to be placed into the earth in its most natural state, fulfilling the concept of Genesis 3:19, which says, “For dust you are and to dust you shall return.” Metal hardware and nails are avoided.

Sinai Memorial Chapel has a large selection of traditional caskets, made from a wide variety of wood, from which to choose.

Traditionally, Jewish practice does not include:

However, Sinai respects the wishes of families to make their own decisions about how to honor their loved ones. We are committed to helping you plan the funeral or memorial service as you’d like.

The Funeral (L'vayah)

Jewish tradition incorporates many different ways for loved ones to be remembered. A Sinai funeral can take place at our funeral chapels, a cemetery of your choice, or graveside.

There are several elements that are usually included in a traditional Jewish funeral:

At the Cemetery


There has long been a connection between Jewish mourning customs and tzedakah, the religious obligation to do what is right and just (often equated with being charitable).

Tzedakah is seen as a way to make the memory of someone tangible in order to keep the beliefs and interests of the deceased alive and active.

People often make contributions to a synagogue, community organization, hospital, or medical research institution. We have provided a list of major Jewish organizations for this purpose.

Sometimes, a family will suggest a favorite charity of the person who died that friends may donate to in his or her memory.