Sinai Memorial Chapel

When Death Occurs

Perinatal and Infant Loss

When a perinatal or infant loss occurs—which includes a loss from a miscarriage, stillbirth, or death of a newborn or infant—we encourage you to call Sinai at (415) 921-3636 as soon as practical and possible.

You can be assured that you will be in compassionate and caring hands. We are committed and sensitive to Jewish traditions and evolving practices regarding such losses and understand the emotional aspects of such a loss.

Circumstances Surrounding Your Loss

If your loss occurred outside of a medical facility (for example, at home), you should call 911. As soon as possible and practical, a member of the family—or an attending physician—should contact Sinai by calling (415) 921-3636. We are available 24 hours a day.

If your loss occurred in a hospital, you should ask the hospital staff to contact Sinai on your behalf.

In either situation, a representative from Sinai will be available to bring your loss to Sinai Memorial Chapel, where we can begin to prepare the body according to Jewish tradition. We undertake this task with utmost care and respect. It is the first step in honoring our commitment to the tradition of k’vod hamet, respect for the dead.

We will also immediately be available to counsel and support you as you make decisions about a possible service, burial, the grieving process, and any other issue for which you seek guidance.

What Sinai Does

We will be by your family’s side with dignity and respect from the moment you contact us.

For families who experience a perinatal or infant loss, there is generally no charge for Sinai services. This commitment reflects the view of the Sinai Memorial Chapel’s founders that such a loss is experienced by the entire Jewish community, and it is our duty as a community to support one another.

Sinai provides counseling for parents who have experienced a loss through our Mourner Care Program. Our counselors are available to support mourners and connect them with resources that can help them get through this experience. A perinatal or infant loss impacts all members of a family, and we are prepared to support all generations of the extended family.

Some of the ways we can help include:

For families who experience a perinatal or infant loss, there is no charge for Sinai services. This commitment reflects the view of the founders of Sinai that such a loss is experienced by the entire Jewish community.

The Memory Garden at Eternal Home Cemetery

Sinai Memorial Chapel understands the need to acknowledge losses occurring at any stage during pregnancy. With the leadership of two Jewish mothers who suffered these losses, Sinai is collaborating with the Bay Area Healing Center and Jewish Community Federation to create the Memory Garden at Eternal Home Cemetery in Colma.

This effort also includes a commitment to create a comprehensive Jewish response to perinatal and infant loss, including providing education and outreach on this topic.

Resources for Parents

We have prepared a list of recommended resources for parents and family members, including a hotline, local support groups, and various readings.

In addition, Sinai has a library of resource materials that you are welcome to borrow.

If you or someone in your family has suffered a perinatal or infant loss, please contact us at (415) 921-3636.