Sinai Memorial Chapel

Planning Ahead: Tools and Resources

Important Legal, Financial, and Personal Information for Your Family

Personal document and information collection is an important part of advance planning. By organizing the account numbers of various policies and financial accounts, the location of important documents, and your online usernames and passwords—and keeping this information in a place known to your family—you will greatly help them as they settle your estate, close accounts, and protect your personal information.

The list below outlines some of the key information that will help your family with financial and legal logistics after you’re gone.

In addition to the checklist below, there are a number of resources that can help you collect this critical information. One is called “Get It Together” by Melanie Cullen and Shae Irving, J.D., published by Nolo. There are also a number of online resources, such as Everplans and, both of which can help you collect and store this information.

A note about security: Much of the information outlined below is highly sensitive. To protect your information, it’s a good idea to only include “meta information”—for example, the location of your passport but not your passport number; the banks at which you have accounts and the types of accounts you have, but not your account numbers or PIN numbers. Once you’ve completed the form, it should be kept in a secure place, the location of which is only known by a few people whom you trust. If you have a safe deposit box, you might consider keeping it there—but make sure that your family knows about the safe deposit box and has keys to access the box when the time comes.

Information about Yourself and Your Family

Medical Information

Financial Information

Insurance Information (list company name, policy number, and location)

Legal Information

Important Contacts

Other Information

Information Regarding Digital Assets and Access